Who Wants to Rock?

Randall, Homework, NK, Chazzy and Vick are a gaggle of middle-age rock and rollers who, each month, attend several free rock and roll shows at the Mohegan Sun Wolf Den. Some may call this virile collection of man-meat "losers", and that may be accurate, but they sure can rock...oh, how they can rock.


Tonight, Lady Vick and I went to the Sun, she to shop and gamble and me to take in Big Head Todd & The Monsters.  Arriving half-way through the first song, I nestled comfortably at Blossom Rock, staying there for the next eighty-six minutes. It was a large crowd, even by Saturday standards, and they came to rock.  The night was rife with no less than ten standing ovations, and many, Many, MANY dancing ladies strewn throughout.  This show was a good one, actually a VERY good one.

I knew three Monsters' songs before this show, one of which (Bittersweet) is a top ten favorite.  Basically, I did not know what to expect.  Led by Todd Park Mohr, this band did not disappoint.  In fact, through the first forty-five minutes, this had the potential to be my favorite show ever at The Den.  The middle thirty minutes missed the mark in my opinion, but they finished strong closing with an encore of Sexy and I Know It, done a la blues.

Mohr is a strong axe man and has a gifted voice.  He led this group, all of whom was ridiculously talented, none more than Jeremy Lawton who bounced between keys and pedal steel guitar.  Drummer Brian Nevin was all energy and quite good.  Bassist Rob Squires was non-descript, like a bassist should be.  Overall, great sound, great songs, vocals were top-notch and the rhythm section is still pounding in my head.

Neither of The Monsters gets overly excited during their shows, but Mohr is subject to outburst, making the show a visible spectacle as well.  Lawton, was an all out pro, going from steel to keys mid-song without missing a beat.  Songs done well were Circle, Don't Tell Her That I Love Her and Broken Hearted Savior.  Songs done ridiculously well were Bittersweet and Secret Mission.  And as for the song Resignation Superman, let's just say could be the best song I have ever seen performed at The Den, excluding Distant Shores (Rock Log 052211).

Here's the deal, I would never be so brazen as to say go to see this band because Todd Park Mohr is a seven-foot Korean dude.  This alone should make anyone want to see this band.  But let me tell you, they blew the roof off The Den tonight.  A return visit to The Den is an absolute must see.  Randall did not go tonight and he would go to any show, so you know the family need was pressing.  However, if ever faced with that dilemma again, my advice to him would be go Korean my Bro.  

Big Head Todd, simply awesome.


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