Who Wants to Rock?

Randall, Homework, NK, Chazzy and Vick are a gaggle of middle-age rock and rollers who, each month, attend several free rock and roll shows at the Mohegan Sun Wolf Den. Some may call this virile collection of man-meat "losers", and that may be accurate, but they sure can rock...oh, how they can rock.

THE ASSOCIATION - Rock Log 072210

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different result.

I first saw The Association in 1986, by myself as no one would go with me.  I was disappointed at that time as the band elected to forgo their own music in favor of a thirty minute ode to sixties hits such as “I Heard it Through the Grapevine”, “Joy to the World”, et al. 

Fast forward to 2010.  It was the same show that I saw twenty-four years earlier!  Same lack of original material and same Big Chill garbage.  The lone bright spot in this show, which I liken to a bad wedding reception, was “One Too Many Mornings” which is my favorite song by the group, albeit somewhat obscure.  Other than that, this was nothing but an exhibit of elderly men in matching white tuxedos, who harmonized well, primarily because they have been performing the same show since Carter was in office.

Yesterday I begged Frost to go to this show.  He voraciously refused to attend.  Who would have thought the elfin educator would have been dead-on in his assessment of what was to come.

I remain a huge fan of the group’s music, but when Terry Kirkman left in 1984, this group ceased to exist.  They should rename the band The Associashit.  On a rating of one to five stars, let’s just say this show was star-less. 

I am livid right now.


THE COWSILLS - Rock Log 071810

This past Sunday, July 18, I had the pleasure of attending the Cowsills concert at Mohegan Sun with 2 esteemed gentleman, Randall and Vick.  It was a packed house of frothing, unhinged Cowsill fans.

Two words: Paul Cowsill. 

Three more words: creepy old guy.  From a virgin Cowsills fan perspective, this band would do well to lose Paul and Bob Cowsill and re-focus all songs around Susan Cowsill, the one member of the group who actually has any talent. 

The Cowsills played a number of hits that everybody in attendance seemed to recognize.  The show stopper song was their cover of "Puff the Magic Dragon".  Absolutely breathtaking. 

There were plenty of memorable celebrities in attendance: Borat, Lizard Lady and the head of the Cowsills Fanclub lady who knew every word to every song.

We had a glimpse of the future with the introduction of Susan Cowsills' daughter and Paul Cowsills' son.  I have to say that when the remaining Cowsills pass-on in some untimely manner, whether accidental drug overdose or mysterious disappearance during a hurricane, the legacy will carry on, and I for one am thankful. 

It was an absolutely Cowsilly night.

Guest Reviewer - Fross Tee